Privacy is extremely important to us here at WDIS. The information gathered by WDIS and how it is used is detailed in this Privacy Policy document.
Feel free to get in touch with us if you have any more inquiries or need any further clarification regarding our Privacy Policy.
Our online activities are the only ones covered by this Privacy Policy, and it is only applicable to the data visitors provide through our website and/or contribute to our WDIS accounts. For data gathered in any way apart from this website, our standard policy will not apply.

You are agreeing to the terms of our Privacy Policy by using our website.

Information That We Collect
➢ At the time we request personal information from you, both the type of information we need and the reason we need it will be made clear.
➢ We may collect personal information from you, including your name, address, phone number, email address, message content and any attachments you send us, including any additional details you voluntarily submit if you choose to contact us directly.
➢ When you create an Account, we might ask for information that allows us to get in touch with you, such as your name, business name, address, e-mail address, and phone number.

What We Do With the Data You Provide:
➢ Help us set up, manage, and improve our website.
➢ Enhance, customize, and expand our website.
➢ Recognize and examine how you utilize our website.
➢ Create new services, offerings, attributes, and capabilities.
➢ We may contact you both directly and through a third party in order to provide customer support, advise you of changes to the website, send you promotional materials, or answer any questions you may have.
➢ Send you e-mails.
➢ Identify and stop fraud.

Log Data
WDIS uses a conventional method that relies on log files. When people go to a website, they leave a "cookie" on their computer. This sort of analysis is standard practice for all providers of hosting services. Log files record data such as IP addresses, browser types, ISPs, the dates and times of visits, the pages visited before and after a given one, and the number of clicks. These are not connected to anything that could be used to identify the user. The data is used for internal purposes such as survey development, trend analysis, site management, and user tracking.

Web Beacons, or "Cookies,"
The WDIS website utilizes "cookies" in the same way that any other website would. Information such as the user's preferences and the pages of the website they have visited can be stored in these cookies. The data is used to improve the quality of our service by displaying the most relevant content to users based on their devices and browser.