Your use of our website,, is governed by the following Website Basic Terms and Conditions written on this page. Your use of this Website is subject to these Terms in its entirety. Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before using the website. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions that govern this website, you should refrain from using it in any productive way. This Website is not intended for use by anyone under the age of eighteen.

All of the following are strictly off-limits to you:
➢ Spreading information or content from the website to other online platforms.
➢ Commercializing any content on the website using sale, sublicense, or other means.
➢ Putting on display or possibly displaying any content from the Website.
➢ Using this site in a way that is or could be harmful to this site.
➢ Using this Website in a way that violates any laws or rules, or that might reasonably be expected to cause damage to the Website or any person or commercial entity.
➢ Engaging in any data mining, data gathering, data separating, or similar activity concerning this Website.
➢ prohibits users from promoting products or services that have not been approved by the site's administration.

Complaints & Delays
If the Client can show that the Services were delivered late or otherwise weren't in compliance with the terms of the Contract, the Company must fix the problem or redo the delivery, at its option, without undue delay. If the Services are still not in line with the Contract following reasonable efforts to fix the problem have been made, the Client may cancel the Order if the breach is serious enough.
Any claims related to delays or breaches of the Contract must be made as soon as possible after the Client becomes aware of, or should have been aware of, the problem. If the Client does not notify the Company of the defect within 48 hours (unless the defect is so complex that its existence is impossible to figure out within such a period), the Client is deemed to have agreed to agree to the Services and has no recourse for delays or just breach of contract.

How To Complain
➢ Any questions or concerns you may have regarding how we're handling your data will be addressed as soon as possible.
➢ The WDIS also guarantees your ability to file a formal complaint with a regulatory body.

Your Right
You may be entitled to several significant rights under the regulation known as the General Data Protection Regulation. In brief, these include the privileges of:
➢ Your right to access the personal information we have on you, as well as other data that complements the information covered by this Privacy Notice.
➢ Demand that we update your record if it has been entered incorrectly.
➢ You have the right to request that your personal information be deleted in certain circumstances.
➢ Upon request, we will supply you with a copy of the personal information we have collected from you in a structured, frequently used, and machine-readable manner.
➢ You have the right to withdraw your consent for direct marketing at any time.
➢ You have the right to object to automated judgments that have legal repercussions on you or significantly affect you.
➢ You have the right to object in some additional circumstances if we are processing your data.
➢ If necessary, you can ask us to limit how we use your personal information.
➢ File a claim for compensation if we violated your personal information security laws.